Insights & Whitepapers
Acuitas Insights and Whitepapers
- Fed Rate Cuts Lead to U.S. Microcap Outperformance (April 2024)
- U.S. Microcap Poised to Benefit from Rebound in M&A (January 2024)
- Bear Market Drawdowns and Recoveries in US Microcap (August 2022)
- The Rise of Retail Investors and the Birth of Meme Stocks (September 2021)
- Active Microcap - An Alternative to Private Equity (April 2021)
- Microcap IPOs - An Underappreciated Opportunity (November 2020)
- COVID-19 Market Dislocations: Creating Opportunities in Active Microcap (August 2020)
- The Current Opportunity - Microcap (June 2020)
- Microcap in The Age of COVID-19 (March 2020)
- The Case For Microcap (January 2020)
- The Impact of Negative Earnings Stocks in Microcap (October 2019)
- Active vs. Passive in Microcap (October 2019)
- The Case for International Small and Microcap (October 2017)
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Acuitas U.S. Small Cap GIPS Report