acuitas : /ə'kyu'it'as/
Insight, Sharpness, Perception
Acuitas Investments serves investors by identifying unique investment opportunities in inefficient markets with the goal to generate best-in-class returns. We seek to be the world's premier experts in global small and microcap investing.
Products & Services
The Acuitas Microcap strategy uses a multi-manager approach focused on domestic microcap equities. Acuitas generally considers US microcap to include those companies typically represented in the Russell Microcap Index, which the strategy uses as its benchmark. We seek to remain invested down the cap spectrum to take greatest advantage of market inefficiencies.
The Acuitas Small Cap strategy uses a multi-manager approach focused on domestic small cap equities. Acuitas generally considers US small cap to include those companies typically represented within the Russell 2000 Index. We seek to remain invested down the cap spectrum to take greatest advantage of market inefficiencies.
The Acuitas International Small Cap strategy uses a multi-manager approach focused on non-U.S. small cap equities. This is a global product with a moderate exposure to emerging markets. We benchmark our product versus the FTSE Global Small Cap ex U.S. Index and generally consider companies below $4 billion to qualify for international small cap. Portfolios include allocations to international microcap to capitalize on what we feel is an area with even greater inefficiency.
The Acuitas Emerging Markets Small Cap strategy uses a multi-manager approach focused on small cap equities in emerging markets. We benchmark our product versus the FTSE Small Cap Emerging Index. Portfolios include allocations to equities in frontier markets to capitalize on what we feel is an area with even greater inefficiency.
The Acuitas Long/Short Equity strategy is a multi-manager, absolute return process focused on small and microcap equities, globally. While this strategy is not benchmarked to a traditional long-only market capitalization weighted index, market capitalization criteria for the Acuitas Long/Short Equity strategy is consistent with Russell’s global suite of small and microcap indexes.